"Democracy, activity & peace."


Current list of agencies: https://forum.oamicro.org/viewforum.php?f=99

Secretary General: Tom Turner

I. OAM Internal Affairs Office | Vice-Secretary General: Alexander Reinhardt

a. OAM Recruitment Office | Secretary: Ciprian I


II. OAM External Affairs Office | Vice-Secretary General (Secretary - temporary): Aldrich Lucas

a. OAM Partnership Assistance Office | Secretary: Anthony I
b. OAM Public Affairs Agency | Secretary: James Puchowsky


III. OAM Non-Political Office | Vice-Secretary General: James Puchowsky

a. OAM Projects Agency | Secretary: Parker I
b. OAM Transport Agency (Maritime, aeronautical and space activities) | Secretary: Ryan
c. OAM Sport and Culture Agency | Secretary: Joe Foxon

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