"Democracy, activity & peace."

Become a member!


If you would like to apply for your micronation to become a member of the OAM, please fill out the following short form.

Although membership is not guaranteed, membership applications are rarely rejected. We welcome all reasonably active micronations who seek to be part of our rapidly growing organisation, and believe in the principles and ideals set out in the OAM Charter.

We would also ask non-members of the Micro-Wiki community to give a website, as you are more likely to not be let in, unless you register at the forums and tell everyone about your nation, as well as being on the site regually.

By filling out the following form and submitting it by clicking 'continue', you confirm that the person making the membership application is a suitably authorised person of the applicant micronation, and that the person making the application and/or the leadership of the applicant micronation has/have read the OAM Charter and agree to adhere to the membership requirements in the Charter.

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